Saturday, November 29, 2008

ku rindu padanya===

arini saye rase rindu sangat2 pade cik abg saye da lame xjumpe si dia. beginilah adat org berkasih long distance.saye rs saye ade mslh dengan menulis dlm bhs melayu.bkn kerane saye lupe diri,perasan mcm omputeh.hahahaha..tapi sbb da lame sgt xmenulis dlm bhs melayu.inilah akibatnye bile anda mengambil option english ye.hahahha.jd maafkan saye sekirenye tulisn saye ni kedgrn sumbang ataupon sangat2 formal ye.saye sedang mengasah kembali kebolehan utk menulis dlm bhs melayu.=p jd kembali kpd cerita saye td, si dia saye sbnrnye bljr di universiti yg xsame dgn sy.bknlah jauh sgt universiti si dia dan saye, tp memandangkan time n works constraint, kami memang jarang2 sgt berjumpe.boleh dikatakn, dlm setahun, cume ade sebulan je kitorg jumpe.wuhuhu.ape bole buat..da nasib badan..huhu.jadi arini, ntuk hilangkan rs rindu, sy pon bercadang nk surf internet untuk lekakn sebelom tu, adik lelaki kesygn da merengek2 lapa, jd sy pon memasakla.sbb nk cepat, sy pon decide nk masak ayam goreng berempah, mushy soup n bwat kuah asam.tibe2 ms memasak tu, teringat lg dekat si dia.terus laju je tgn ni ambil ikan bilis dgn cili n goreng.pastu tumbuk dgn lesung batu yg berat tribute to my beloved hubby-to-be,saye pon telah menyediakan sambal ketuk.nyummy~si dia saye ni mmg suke sgt dgn sambal ketuk.jd bile buat je sambal ketuk, ia mengingatkn saye betape sweetnye die bile die memuji mskn saye iaitu tomyam dgn sambal ketuk yg die jamah dlm kete sewaktu die br pulang dr jb.berbunge2 hati saye ble si dia berkate begitu.wah2.saye mcm sgt teruje pulak bercerite itu dan tgn ni da penat menulis.mungkin saye patut beli soft keyboard yg lebih selese.maklumlah,keyboard lappy sy ni aduhai keras sangat!hehhehehe.xmengapelah, asalkan saye dapat melakukan semue kerje dgn lappy ni pon sudah alhamdullillah.okaylah.saye rs bahase saye sudah semakin pon nk tgk drama di tv3 ni.tata~

Sunday, November 23, 2008

10 things guys should know about their women!

There are many things that women wish that guys knew, but will never tell them. The problem is that if the girl has to tell the guy, it will ruin the relationship. For guys, this seems like an impossible position – “she knows what she wants, but won’t tell me.” Here are the top ten things that women wish guys knew.

1. Lead – Women won’t tell men that they want them to lead, because just having to say it means that the guy does not lead. A leader does not need permission; they take the risk and just do it.

2. Ask her advice – This may seem contradictory to number 1, but it is not. Women want men to lead, but they want to be part of their lives and they want to be respected. The best way that to accomplish both of these is for the guy to decide what they want to do, tell her, then ask for her opinion.

3. Women choose guys on how they make them feel. Any guy who can make a girl feel appreciated, protected and cherished is on his way to winning her heart.

4. Make her laugh! Don’t take life too seriously. It can be tough being a woman. There are many roles to play – daughter, sister, wife and many goals to meet - good-looking, thin, coordinated clothing, etc. Give her a break! If a guy can show her that she does not have to be perfect to be accepted, he will be an unusual guy and she will love him for it.

5. Hold the door – Its something that women’s upbringing may tell them is not needed – after all she is independent, but women will usually like it anyway. Guys do not have to knock her down to get to the door first every time, but getting in the habit of opening doors when he can is a good thing.

6. Never start a conversation with an apology – “Excuse me…”, “Sorry to bother you…”. She may think the guy is polite, but he is violating rule number 1.

7. If a guy is in a loving relationship, hold hands! It shows that he cares for her and that he is not afraid of showing it in front of others. She will never tell him, but if he does it, he will have a happier life.

8. Call Her!! After every date, call her within a few days. Email, voicemail and text messaging do not count. Calling her as soon as he gets back to the apartment may be too soon, but any time later will be OK.

9. Even if she asks for the absolute truth, be careful about criticizing her appearance. If a guy builds a fence around the back yard and asks a woman, “What do you think?” he does not want her to check the plumb on every post and let him know how he might improve his fence building! He wants her to say that it looks good! Same with her appearance. Guys, be very careful of how you answer!

10. Be passionate about something – in addition to her. This goes back to leadership. Men should have a sense of what they want to accomplish and how they are going to do it. Share your dreams and plans with her. This is one area where it is OK for guys to talk about something at some length. Even if she does not share his dream, she will respect him for having one.

Perfume Addiction===

my passion for perfumes becomes an addiction lately. i just bought 2 bottle of perfumes in last 2 days, n i think that i'm totally a perfume freak. seriously, i can't help myself seeing cute design og the perfume bottle, plus with the nice smell, i just couldn't resist it. let me share wit u some of the perfumes that i've already owned.

1-Paris Hilton by Paris Hilton
2-Les Belles de Ricci by Nina Ricci
3-Love At First Glow by JLo
4-Hypnose by Lancome
5-Miss Dior Cherie
6-Miracle Forever by Lancome
7-Issey Miyake by Issey Miyake
8-Fantasy by Britney Spears
9-etc, i can't remember da..ghee

i think my obsession towards perfumes is undeniably influenced by my best friend's habit who loves to provoke me with her new smell. yes! i have an idea. to all my friends, y dun u all give me a bottle of perfume each time for my birthday? so i can have more and more collection of perfumes..wuhuhuhu===

more and more surveys===

1. A is for age:
2. B is for beer of choice:
i don't drink of course!
3. C is for career right now:
tea-cher===stands for the person who makes tea for others..ghee
4. D is for your dog's name?
i hate dogs reaaaaally!
5. E is for essential item you use everyday
facial wash n toothbrush
6. F is for favorite TV show at the moment:
numb3rs and CSI..luv em both!
7. G is for favorite game:
currently, i'm addicted to supercow and the cute!
8. H is for Home town:
senawang,seremban is where i belong
9. I is for instruments you play:
10. J is for favorite juice:
kiwi juice! nyummmy!
11. K is for whose butt you'd like to kick:
currently, mr-excuse-me-u-annoy-me!
12. L is for last place you ate: mum's cook..shedap!
13. M is for marriage:
not yet..haven't found my prince====
14. N is for your full name:
s.h.e.r.i.l.l. n.u.r.f.a.r.h.a.n.a
15. O is for overnight hospital stays:
16. P is for people you were with today:
my naughty bros n loving parents =p
17. Q is for quote:
18. R is for Biggest Regret:
for knowing sum1 who neva knew how to appreciate my presence
19. S is for status:
single and adorably available====
20. T is for time you woke up today:
21. U is for underwear you have on now:
don't want to tell
22. V is for vegetable you love:
long beans n pumpkin!
23. W is for worst habit:
spend money foolishly===
24. X is for x-rays you've had:
25. Y is for yummy food you ate today:
chicken soup with oyster n oso with sambal kicap!nyummy! thanx mama!
26. Z is for zodiac sign:

Saturday, November 22, 2008

crying test==

let's do some quizzes!

1. Do you feel guilty if you cry in public?
nope==y do i have to?
2. Do you think crying is a sign of weakness?
definitely no! crying is part of human normal expression rite?
3. Do you think men and boys should be encouraged to hide their tears?
uhm..i'm not sure.maybe it depends on person
4. Do you feel embarrassed if you find yourself crying while watching a film or reading a book?
5. Would you try to hold back your tears if you were attending a funeral?
no..i really can't help it!
6. Would you distrust a politician who shed tears in public?
7. Do you think that tears are an unnecessary expression of emotion?
no definitely!
8. Do you always try to hide your disappointment?
most of d time..i'm not into lettong everybody knows that i'm dissapointed
9. Do you get embarrassed if you see grown men crying?
10. Would you pretend that you had something in your eyes if you were unexpectedly discovered crying?
11. Do you always try to hide your anger?
i don;t think so..=p

as a conclusion..i love crying~to me crying is a sign of normal behaviour==in other words--i'm a normal person who sometimes would cry to express my feelings!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

sleepy2 day

"hello lazy bump! can u pls get up from your bed and shower yourself?"
the other side of me replied "alaa, can i sleep for juz a couple of minutes?"
"wah wah banyak cantik! wake up from ur dreams, ur literature paper is juz tomorrow ok? n don't forget that u have to go to the cafe to celebrate zack's birthday!"
"yelah2, i want to siap2lah ni..u r such a nenek u know!!"

n there i go..
i wake up lazily, feeling so annoyed of realizing that i have to shower myself during this chilly morning----owh it's killing me!!. by the way, i have to since my course mates want to gather at the cafe for celebrating Zack's birthday. i don't want to be the centre of attention for xmandi and wearing pyjama during class hour..hehheehehe.hopefully, there wud be nyummy foods n drinks during the party so that i can fill my empty stomach vigorously~ yesh! i love food definitely! yok kite g makan yok!