Hati tak senang bile time nak exam.
Sekarang pon bole nak berblogging lagi dikale lagi 3 jam nak amek paper literature.
Kecut perut bile pk soalan ape nak kuar.
bace xlah banyak sangat, ala kadar je.
tapi nak result best. bole ke?
urghhh. malas betul.
nak g lunch pon malas.
semalam paper susah, sampai cramp2 jari jemari i ni.
bole tak, taknak amek exam.
nak berenti blaja.
jadi surirumah tangga.
persoalannye. ade ke org nak amek i jadi suri rumah tangga?
kes kes kes!
oke, nak setop dah. literature for teenagers abes bace lg.
elok bebenor le tu kiah!
sebelum abes post, recall sketlah ape yg study td.
What are the factors to consider in selecting material for literature class?
- Students' language proficiency---kalo language complex sangat nanti students xbole paham.besok2 depa bantai tido je dlm kelas.
- Students' literature background --- Part ni essential oke. Kadang2 students ni memang terrer English, kire competence user of English la. tp bile blaja literature, depa xboleh nak integrate/infer layered meaning of the literary text. ibarat dorang bace mcm text biase jelah. Students yg ade little literary background knowledge bole perform lag bagus drp students yg terrer English. Sebab apa? Sebab dorang bole make sense of their own interpretation--maklumlah dorang ade literary background knowledge.
- Students' cultural background--- Kite kene la sesuaikan text drp different culture tu dgn culture students kite ye. kang susa pulak, depa dok buat interpretation pelik2. hehe
Dah cukup.Mesti muak kan? Bukak blog pon bole bace notes! haha.
Gudluck Sheryl! (ucapan akhir untuk diri sendiri! yeah!)
About Friendship.
7 years ago
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