Thursday, July 24, 2008

explorace edition~

i can't believe that i AM a teacher now~ wee~huhu..the reason i felt that way was because i was given the opportunity to handle 100 students from sp secondary school today. the experience of handling 100 students was really exhilarating~ i didn't expect that i would feel this good! i was in charge of the explorace ipsah version. i was given the responsibility to handle the departure and arrival of each teams in the race. plus, i had to give each team a task before they can get the red ribbon which indicated that they had successfully done their task. my friend (ms anna) n i had planned to make "filling water using palm" game. in the game, each team is given 1 minute to fill a cup of water using their palm only. n after they had filled the cup with water, they were required to form a new word using 2 different words to convey a different meaning word. all the teams were succeed in doing all the tasks, n at the closing ceremony, my course mates and i got a very positive feedback from the students. well girls and guys..we love you all too!!


Anonymous said...

fullamak secondary ekk...ku igt kan kalo secondary nnt kang lgsg x jadik explorace tuh coz all the guys will be mesmerized by ur beauty (akue puji neh..hehehe)

s.h.e.r.y.l said...

ko kutuk ak ek pep..
xde maknenye mesmerized ak..
degil je sume ak tgk..
siap buli2 ak lg..
nasib bdn la..hehhehehe