Thursday, July 31, 2008

shop shop n shop~

it had been quite long since i last posted the blog here. lately, i'd juz been a bit busy (eleh bukan busy blaja pon, busy g jalan2). last few days, i went to penang wif miss zie, may, n fuza. actually, i didn't really plan to go there becos ther's a lot of works to be done. i've been very lazy lately, i couldn't figure out why. (eyh cik sheryl, u boleh tlg wake up x from ur dreams?!) hehehehhe..that's what my heart said to me just now. back to the story, i went to penang just because i felt bored, n i WAS quite teruje as i never been there before with my girls. so i told myself, i won't buy anything except for a dress, a simple n plain dress (janji la kunun..hehehhee) to satisfy my "hungriness" to shop(this is my own term that is totally wrong and cannot be found in the dictionary..heee~). briefly, i went there by bus, the most convenient transport since i've no car, then took a ferry and took another bus til i finally reached perangin mall + komtar. thank god i managed to get a seat in the bus n ferry, as it is weekend, n there were crowd everywhere. everything seems so cheap there, n there i go again, i started to shop, shop n shop till i ran out of money. i just can't resist the cheap n gorgeous bags, shoes n clothes. wif d kwn2 yg suke sopping oso, i was totally lost n started to spend foolishly.the funny thing was, i even bought myself a "kain pengantin", which was pink+turquoise colour, as if i was going to get married tomorrow..wahwah..impian xtahan. actually, i've been searching that type of material since a few month ago to make my baju raye. but i considered it was too expensive when i went to survey the price for the material at my place. so when i found the really2 vivacious material at penang with irresistible price, i juz cannot leave without buying. thanx god too, becos of the time constraint, i was unable to proceed with my intention of buying some bling2 n ching2 as my friend, ms fuza had arrived to fetch my friends n i to her house for lunch. phew~so that's it. maybe another time, i should leave my atm card when i go shopping so that i can't withdraw my money for shopping lavishly purpose..sheryl, sheryl...bile la nk stop ur shopaholics ni?!


Anonymous said...

daus kene ada gaji beribu ringgit nnt nak support ko nyer shopping..hehehe

s.h.e.r.y.l said...

mane adela..
ak baek je..
nk sopping gune duit sendiri je..hehheeh =p