Wednesday, July 23, 2008


i went to gym today!!! weee~finally for the first time i went there since i started doing my degree here a few weeks ago.actually, i was quite reluctant to go to the gym today as i was very sleepy (i didn't get enough sleep last nite + hectic class schedule..euww~). however, i managed to force myself to wake up at 4.30 pm to get ready for the badminton practice. i mumbled something that i dun even understand( mamai sangat la tuh..hehhehe), then wash my blur face, put a bit of make-up to cover "kesan-kesan tido" (hehhehehe...cover line je), then put my scarf, then took my very "expensive" racket and went lazily to the gym. i arrived 10mins late n as a result, my coach started to nag (bcos all my coursemates oso dtg lambat jugak..weee~) then wif d spirit of new racket, i started to play badminton with ana, aida,fuza,ika n tyra. so tired but very enjoyable! at least it helps me to burn my excessive fat~weee~ since my bf had started to complain bout my "chubbiness", i hope i could reduce some weight by playing badminton =p ..n as usual, i would take pictures~ (eleh maen xterrer pon, action je lebeh~)


Anonymous said...

weh mak cik...ko pegi maen badminton pakai baju kurung pink ker???:P

s.h.e.r.y.l said...

eh..mane adela..ak saje je nk enterframe bj baru ak..hehhehehe..tu waktu pg r mase kuliah..hehhehe