bercita-cita tinggi dan orangnya serius
suka mendidik dan dididik
sangat mudah melihat kelemahan orang dan suka mengkritik
rajin dan setiap yg dibuat nampak keuntungan
suka smart, kemas dan teratur
bersifat sensitif , berfikiran mendalam
pandai mengambil hati org lain
pendiam kecuali telah dirangsang
agak pemalu daya tumpuan yang sangat tinggi
mudah mendisiplinkan diri sendiri
badannya sihat tetapi mudah diserang selsema
bersikap romantik tetapi tidak pandai mempamirkannya
cukup sayang pd kanak-kanak
suka duduk rumah
setia pada segala-galanya
perlu belajar kemahiran sosial
cukup cemburu yg sangat tinggi
*berfikiran abstrak
*sukakan benda yang reality dan abstrak
*inteligent, bijak dan genius
*berpesonality yg mudah berubah
*mudah menawan org lain
*agak pendiam. Pemalu dan rendah diri
*jujur dan setia pd segalanya
*keras hati untuk mencapai matlamat
*tidak suka dikongkong
*mudah memberontak apabila dikongkong
*suka kegiatan yg lasak
*emosinya mudah terluka dan sgt sensitif
*mudah mempamirkan marahnya
*tidak suka benda yg remeh-temeh
*suka berkawan tapi kurang mempamerkannya
*sangat berani dan suka memberontak
*bercita-cita tinggi dan suke berangan-angan dan ada harapan
*utk merealisasikan impiannya
*pemerhatian yg tajam
*suka hiburan dan sukan
*suka benda yg bersifat seni
*sangat romantik pada dalaman tetapi tidak pada luaran
*berkecenderungan pd benda yg tahyul
*amat mudah dan boleh menjadi terlalu boros
berpesonaliti yg menarik dan menawan
mudah didampingi
sgt pemalu dan pemendam rasa
sgt baik secara semulajadi, jujur pemurah dan mudah simpati
sgt sensitif pd perkataan yg dituturkan dan alam persekitaran
suka pada kedamaian
sgt peka kepada orang lain
sesuai dgn kerjaya yg memberi khidmat kepada org lain
tidak cepat marah dan sangat amanah
tahu balas budi dan tahu kenang budi
pemerhatian dan penilaian yg sangat tajam
kecenderungan utk berdendam jika tidak dikawal
suka berangan-angan
suka melancong
sgt manja dan suka diberi perhatian yg sangat tinggi
kelam kabut dalam memilih pasangan
suka dgn hiasan rumahtangga
punya bakat seni dalalm bidang muzik
kecenderungan kepada benda yang istimewa dan baik
jgn terlalu moody.
sgt aktif dan dinamik
cepat bertindak buat keputusan tetapi cepat menyesal
sgt menarik dan pandai manjakan diri
punya daya mental yg sangat kuat
suka diberi perhatian
sgt diplomatik (pandai memujuk )berkawan dan pandai
menyelesaikan masalah org
sgt berani dan tiada perasaan takut
suka adventure, pengasih, penyayang, sopan santun dan pemurah
emosi cepat terusik
try control the emotion
kecenderungan bersifat dendam
agresif, kelam kabut utk membuat keputusan
kuat daya ingatan
gerak hati yg sangat kuat
pandai mendorong diri sendiri dan memotivasikan org lain
berpenyakit disekitar kepala dan dada
sgt cemburu dan terlalu cemburu
kekerasan hati & degil
kuat semangat & bermotivasi tinggi
pemikiran yg tajam
mudah marah apabila tidak dikawal
pandai menarik hati org lain & menarik perhatian
perasaan yg amat mendalam
cantik dr segi mental & fizikal
tidak perlu dimotivasikan
tetap pendirian tetapi mudah dipengaruhi oleh org lain
mudah dipujuk
bersikap sistematik (otak kiri)
suka berangan
kuat daya firasat memahami apa yg terlintas di hati org lain
tanpa diberitahu
bahagian telinga & leher mudah diserang penyakit
daya khayalan yg tinggi
permikiran yg tajam
pandai berdebat
fizikal yg baik
kelemahan sistem pernafasan
suka sastera,seni & muzik serta melancong
tidak berapa suka duduk dirumah
tidak boleh duduk diam
tidak punya ramai anak
rajin dan bersemangat tinggi
agak boros
berfikiran jauh & berwawasan
mudah ditawan krn sikap baik
berperangai yg lemah lembut
mudah berubah sikap,perangaiidea @mood
idea yg terlalu banyak dikepala
bersikap sensitif
otaknya aktif (sentiasa berfikir)
sukar melakukan sesuatu dgn segera
bersikap suka menangguh-nangguh
bersikap terlalu memilih & mahukan yg terbaik
cepat marah &cepat sejuk
suka bercakap & berdebat
suka buat lawak & bergurau
otaknya cerdas berangan-angan
mudah berkawan & pandai berkawan
org yg sangat tertib
pandai mempamerkan sikap
mudah kecil hati
mudah kena selsema
suka berkemas
cepat rasa bosan
sikap terlalu memilih & cerewet
kurang mempamerkan perasaan
lambat nak sembuh apabila terluka hati
suka kepada barang yang berjenama
mudah menjadi eksekutif
kedegilan yg tidak terkawal
sesiapa yg memuji saya adalah musuh saya tetapi siapa
menegur saya
adalah kawan saya.
Sangat seronok didamping
Banyak berahsia dan sukar dimengerti terutamanya lelaki
Agak pendiam kecuali diransang
Ada harga dan maruah diri
Tak suka menyusahkan orang lain tapi tidak marah apabila
Mudah dipujuk dan bercakap lurus
Sangat menjaga hati orang lain
Sangat peramah
Emosi sangat mendalam tapi mudah terluka hatinya
Berjiwa sentimental
jarang berdendam
mudah memaafkan tapi sukar melupakan
tidak suka benda remeh-temeh
membimbing cara fizikal dan mental
sgt peka, caring dan mengasihi serta penyayang
layanan yg serupa dgn semua orang
tinggi daya simpati
pemerhatian yg tajam
suka menilai org lain dgn pemerhatian
mudah dan rajin belajar
suka muhasabah diri
suka megenangkan peristiwa atau kawam lama
suka mendiamkan diri
suka duduk dirumah
suka tunggu kawan tapi tak cari kawan
tak agresif kecuali terpaksa
lemah dari segi kesihatan perut
mudah gemuk kawal tak kawal diet
minta disayangi
mudah terluka hati tapi lambat pulih
terlalu mengambil berat
rajin dalam membuat kerja
suka berlawak
mudah tertawan kepadanya
sopan santun dan caring terhadap org lain
berani dan tidak tahu takut
orgnya agak tegas & bersikap kepimpinan
pandai pujuk org lain
terlalu pemurah & bersikap ego
nilai harga diri yg sangat tinggi
dahagakan pujian
semangat juang yg luar biasa
cepat marah & mudah mengamuk
mudah marah apabila cakapnya dilawan
sangat cemburu
daya pemerhatian yg tajam & teliti
cepat berfikir
fikiran yg berdikari
suka memimpin & dipimpin
sifat suka berangan
berbakat dlm seni lukis,hiburan & silat
sangat sensitif tapi tidak mudah merajuk
cepat apabila ditimpa penyakit
belajar utk relax
sikap kelam kabut
romantik ,pengasih,penyayang
suka mencari kawan
sangat bersopan santun & bertolak ansur
sangat cermat,teliti & teratur
suka menegur kesilapan org lain & mengkritik
pendiam tapi panda bercakap
sikap sangat cool sangat baik & mudah simpati
sangat perihatin & terperinci,amanah,setia & jujur
kerja yg dilakukansangat sempurna
sangat sensitif ygtidak diketahui
org yg banyak berfikir
daya pentaakulan yg baik
otak bijak & mudah belajar
suka mencari maklumat
kawal diri dari terlalu mengkritik
pandai mendorong diri sendiri
mudah memahami org lain(daya firasat yg tinggi) krn banyak
simpan rahsia
suka sukan,hiburan & melancong
kurang menunjukan perasaannya
terluka hatinya sangat lama disimpan
terlalu memilih pasangan
sukakan benda yg luas
suka sembang
suka org yg sayang padanya
suka ambil jln tengah
sangat menawan & sopan santun
kecantikan luar & dalam
tidak pandai berbohong & berpura-pura
mudah rasa simpati,baik pentingkan kawan
sentiasa berkawan
hatinya mudah terusik tetapi merajuknya tak lama
cepat marah
macam pentingkan diri sendiri
tidak menolong org kecuali diminta
suka melihat dari perspektifnya sendiri
tidak suka terima pandangan orglain
emosi yg mudah terusik
suka berangan & pandaibercakap
emosi yg kelam kabut
daya firasat yg sangat kuat (terutamanya perempuan)
suka melancong,bidang sastera & seni
pengasih ,penyayang & lemah lembut
romantik dlm percintaan
mudah terusik hati & cemburu
ambil berat tentang org lain
suka kegiatan luar
org yg adil
boros & mudah dipengaruhi persekitaran
mudah patah semangat
banyak idea dalam perkara
sukar utk dimengertikan atau difahami sikapnya
berfikiran kehadapan
berfikiran unik dan bijak
penuh dgn idea-idea baru yg luarbiasa
pemikiran yg tajam
daya firasat yg sgt halus dan tinggi
bagus utk jadi doktor
cermat dan teliti
personality dinamik
sifat yg berahsia, pandai mencungkil dan mencari rahsia
banyak berfikir, kurang bercakap tetapi mesra
berani, pemurah, setia dan byk kesabaran
terlalu degil dan keras hati
apabila hendak diusahakan sehingga berjaya
tak suka marah kecuali digugat
mudah ambil berat terhadap orang lain
pandai muhasabah diri
cara berfikir lain dari org lain
otak yg sangat tajam
pandai mendorong diri sendiri
tidak hargai pujian
kekuatan semangat dan daya juang yg sgt tinggi dan apabila hendak sesuatu
cuba sampai berjaya
badan yg tough
kasih sayang dan emosi yang sangat mendalam
tidak pasti dgn hubungan kasih sayang
suka duduk dirumah
sangat rajin dan berkemampuan tinggi
amanah, jujur setia dan pandai berahsia
tidak berapa berjaya dalam mengawal emosi
bercita-cita tinggi
perangai tidak dapat diramal dan mudah berubah-ubah
Sangat setia dan pemurah
Bersifat patriotik
Sangat aktif dalam permainan dan pergaulan
Sikap kurang sabar dan tergesa-gesa
Bercita-cita tinggi
Suka menjadi orang yang berpengaruh dlm organisasi
Seronok didampingi
Suka bercampur dgn org
Suka dipuji, diberi perhatian dan suka dibelai
Sangat jujur amanah dan bertolak ansur
Tidak pandai berpura-pura
Cepat marah
Perangai yg berubah-ubah
Tidak ego walaupun harga diri yang sangat tinggi
Benci pada kongkongan
Suka berlawak
Pandai buat lawak dan berfikiran dgn logik
Friday, December 19, 2008
Birth Month Secret..shhhhh ...xp
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 6:04 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
ku rindu padanya===
arini saye rase rindu sangat2 pade cik abg saye.al-maklumlah saye da lame xjumpe si dia. beginilah adat org berkasih long distance.saye rs saye ade mslh dengan menulis dlm bhs melayu.bkn kerane saye lupe diri,perasan mcm omputeh.hahahaha..tapi sbb da lame sgt xmenulis dlm bhs melayu.inilah akibatnye bile anda mengambil option english ye.hahahha.jd maafkan saye sekirenye tulisn saye ni kedgrn sumbang ataupon sangat2 formal ye.saye sedang mengasah kembali kebolehan utk menulis dlm bhs melayu.=p jd kembali kpd cerita saye td, si dia saye sbnrnye bljr di universiti yg xsame dgn sy.bknlah jauh sgt universiti si dia dan saye, tp memandangkan time n works constraint, kami memang jarang2 sgt berjumpe.boleh dikatakn, dlm setahun, cume ade sebulan je kitorg jumpe.wuhuhu.ape bole buat..da nasib badan..huhu.jadi arini, ntuk hilangkan rs rindu, sy pon bercadang nk surf internet untuk lekakn diri.tp sebelom tu, adik lelaki kesygn da merengek2 lapa, jd sy pon memasakla.sbb nk cepat, sy pon decide nk masak ayam goreng berempah, mushy soup n bwat kuah asam.tibe2 ms memasak tu, teringat lg dekat si dia.terus laju je tgn ni ambil ikan bilis dgn cili n goreng.pastu tumbuk dgn lesung batu yg berat tu.as tribute to my beloved hubby-to-be,saye pon telah menyediakan sambal ketuk.nyummy~si dia saye ni mmg suke sgt dgn sambal ketuk.jd bile buat je sambal ketuk, ia mengingatkn saye betape sweetnye die bile die memuji mskn saye iaitu tomyam dgn sambal ketuk yg die jamah dlm kete sewaktu die br pulang dr jb.berbunge2 hati saye ble si dia berkate begitu.wah2.saye mcm sgt teruje pulak bercerite itu dan ini.tp tgn ni da penat menulis.mungkin saye patut beli soft keyboard yg lebih selese.maklumlah,keyboard lappy sy ni aduhai keras sangat!hehhehehe.xmengapelah, asalkan saye dapat melakukan semue kerje dgn lappy ni pon sudah alhamdullillah.okaylah.saye rs bahase saye sudah semakin merapu.sy pon nk tgk drama di tv3 ni.tata~
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 5:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: TheSweetSheryl
Sunday, November 23, 2008
10 things guys should know about their women!
There are many things that women wish that guys knew, but will never tell them. The problem is that if the girl has to tell the guy, it will ruin the relationship. For guys, this seems like an impossible position – “she knows what she wants, but won’t tell me.” Here are the top ten things that women wish guys knew.
1. Lead – Women won’t tell men that they want them to lead, because just having to say it means that the guy does not lead. A leader does not need permission; they take the risk and just do it.
2. Ask her advice – This may seem contradictory to number 1, but it is not. Women want men to lead, but they want to be part of their lives and they want to be respected. The best way that to accomplish both of these is for the guy to decide what they want to do, tell her, then ask for her opinion.
3. Women choose guys on how they make them feel. Any guy who can make a girl feel appreciated, protected and cherished is on his way to winning her heart.
4. Make her laugh! Don’t take life too seriously. It can be tough being a woman. There are many roles to play – daughter, sister, wife and many goals to meet - good-looking, thin, coordinated clothing, etc. Give her a break! If a guy can show her that she does not have to be perfect to be accepted, he will be an unusual guy and she will love him for it.
5. Hold the door – Its something that women’s upbringing may tell them is not needed – after all she is independent, but women will usually like it anyway. Guys do not have to knock her down to get to the door first every time, but getting in the habit of opening doors when he can is a good thing.
6. Never start a conversation with an apology – “Excuse me…”, “Sorry to bother you…”. She may think the guy is polite, but he is violating rule number 1.
7. If a guy is in a loving relationship, hold hands! It shows that he cares for her and that he is not afraid of showing it in front of others. She will never tell him, but if he does it, he will have a happier life.
8. Call Her!! After every date, call her within a few days. Email, voicemail and text messaging do not count. Calling her as soon as he gets back to the apartment may be too soon, but any time later will be OK.
9. Even if she asks for the absolute truth, be careful about criticizing her appearance. If a guy builds a fence around the back yard and asks a woman, “What do you think?” he does not want her to check the plumb on every post and let him know how he might improve his fence building! He wants her to say that it looks good! Same with her appearance. Guys, be very careful of how you answer!
10. Be passionate about something – in addition to her. This goes back to leadership. Men should have a sense of what they want to accomplish and how they are going to do it. Share your dreams and plans with her. This is one area where it is OK for guys to talk about something at some length. Even if she does not share his dream, she will respect him for having one.
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 1:40 AM 0 comments
Perfume Addiction===
my passion for perfumes becomes an addiction lately. i just bought 2 bottle of perfumes in last 2 days, n i think that i'm totally a perfume freak. seriously, i can't help myself seeing cute design og the perfume bottle, plus with the nice smell, i just couldn't resist it. let me share wit u some of the perfumes that i've already owned.
1-Paris Hilton by Paris Hilton
2-Les Belles de Ricci by Nina Ricci
3-Love At First Glow by JLo
4-Hypnose by Lancome
5-Miss Dior Cherie
6-Miracle Forever by Lancome
7-Issey Miyake by Issey Miyake
8-Fantasy by Britney Spears
9-etc, i can't remember da..ghee
i think my obsession towards perfumes is undeniably influenced by my best friend's habit who loves to provoke me with her new smell. yes! i have an idea. to all my friends, y dun u all give me a bottle of perfume each time for my birthday? so i can have more and more collection of perfumes..wuhuhuhu===
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 1:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: TheSweetSheryl
more and more surveys===
1. A is for age:
2. B is for beer of choice:
i don't drink of course!
3. C is for career right now:
tea-cher===stands for the person who makes tea for others..ghee
4. D is for your dog's name?
i hate dogs reaaaaally!
5. E is for essential item you use everyday
facial wash n toothbrush
6. F is for favorite TV show at the moment:
numb3rs and CSI..luv em both!
7. G is for favorite game:
currently, i'm addicted to supercow and the chocolatier..so cute!
8. H is for Home town:
senawang,seremban is where i belong
9. I is for instruments you play:
10. J is for favorite juice:
kiwi juice! nyummmy!
11. K is for whose butt you'd like to kick:
currently, mr-excuse-me-u-annoy-me!
12. L is for last place you ate:
home..my mum's cook..shedap!
13. M is for marriage:
not yet..haven't found my prince====
14. N is for your full name:
s.h.e.r.i.l.l. n.u.r.f.a.r.h.a.n.a
15. O is for overnight hospital stays:
16. P is for people you were with today:
my naughty bros n loving parents =p
17. Q is for quote:
18. R is for Biggest Regret:
for knowing sum1 who neva knew how to appreciate my presence
19. S is for status:
single and adorably available====
20. T is for time you woke up today:
21. U is for underwear you have on now:
don't want to tell
22. V is for vegetable you love:
long beans n pumpkin!
23. W is for worst habit:
spend money foolishly===
24. X is for x-rays you've had:
25. Y is for yummy food you ate today:
chicken soup with oyster n oso with sambal kicap!nyummy! thanx mama!
26. Z is for zodiac sign:
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 12:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: TheSweetSheryl
Saturday, November 22, 2008
crying test==
let's do some quizzes!
1. Do you feel guilty if you cry in public?
nope==y do i have to?
2. Do you think crying is a sign of weakness?
definitely no! crying is part of human normal expression rite?
3. Do you think men and boys should be encouraged to hide their tears?
uhm..i'm not sure.maybe it depends on person
4. Do you feel embarrassed if you find yourself crying while watching a film or reading a book?
5. Would you try to hold back your tears if you were attending a funeral?
no..i really can't help it!
6. Would you distrust a politician who shed tears in public?
7. Do you think that tears are an unnecessary expression of emotion?
no definitely!
8. Do you always try to hide your disappointment?
most of d time..i'm not into lettong everybody knows that i'm dissapointed
9. Do you get embarrassed if you see grown men crying?
10. Would you pretend that you had something in your eyes if you were unexpectedly discovered crying?
11. Do you always try to hide your anger?
i don;t think so..=p
as a conclusion..i love crying~to me crying is a sign of normal behaviour==in other words--i'm a normal person who sometimes would cry to express my feelings!
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 7:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: TheSweetSheryl
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
sleepy2 day
"hello lazy bump! can u pls get up from your bed and shower yourself?"
the other side of me replied "alaa, can i sleep for juz a couple of minutes?"
"wah wah banyak cantik! wake up from ur dreams, ur literature paper is juz tomorrow ok? n don't forget that u have to go to the cafe to celebrate zack's birthday!"
"yelah2, i want to siap2lah ni..u r such a nenek u know!!"
n there i go..
i wake up lazily, feeling so annoyed of realizing that i have to shower myself during this chilly morning----owh it's killing me!!. by the way, i have to since my course mates want to gather at the cafe for celebrating Zack's birthday. i don't want to be the centre of attention for xmandi and wearing pyjama during class hour..hehheehehe.hopefully, there wud be nyummy foods n drinks during the party so that i can fill my empty stomach vigorously~ yesh! i love food definitely! yok kite g makan yok!
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 4:41 PM 2 comments
Labels: College Life
Friday, October 24, 2008
my dream saree..heee
"sayang, this kind of saree only mak2 pakai"
"really eh akka? but i think this saree is definitely gorgeous"
"lantak p la kat hang sayang...aku dok ckp hang xmau dengaq"
"okay2, i'll borrow yg laen la eh?"
fuh! mouth fighting with akka always end up i surrendered to her hujah2. so the conclusion was i cannot wear that red bluish saree. since i was very eager to wear saree during deeparaya night, i borrowed the saree with not-really-thick-face from my indian friend, miss s. akka had been very kind to me as she was willing to tie the saree for me, and oso, she took a good care of me at the deeparaya dinner since i reaally didn't have any idea how to handle the saree <<
sblm balik amek gbr dulu..
thanx akka..luv ya!
lawa x saree pinjam?hehhehee
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 6:09 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
am i?
i miss the one who used to be by my side whenever i need him..
i miss his smile, his laugh and his warm eyes..
i miss every single thing of him..
i still remember how secure i feel when i was in his arms..
and i can still hear his loving whisper about the future that we will share together..
oh, how lovely that day!
but now..
why do he treat me this way?
what did i do wrong?
am i not his princess anymore?
am i no good no more?
or else..
am i just a part of his game all these times?
am i?
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 6:57 PM 2 comments
Labels: FirdausThePrince
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
raya & engagement
beshnye raye tahun ni! seriously, even though this year raye was very tiring, but i think this year is one of the best i ever had. y? because on the 4rd day raya, my dear cousin get engaged with his-long-time-lover. congrats abg boy!! the fiancee is from K.terengganu, so u can imagine how long n tiring the journey was from johor. however, i really enjoyed it, as all my family members gathered at segamat johor n then we all convoi together2 to terengganu. n one more thing that pleased me a lot was, i was sponsored from head to toe for the special occasion. my auntie was very kind to buy me a black beaded kebaya with kain batik,plus with the tudung, and oso the high heels~ weee!! i love it!! hehehehehehe..thanx to my auntie! here's some of the caption n the engagement day..enjoy it!
saye dgn cousin yg suke bergambar..
Yesh! Finally I manage to hold this one!
my big family yang came all the way from johor to terengganu, just to give abg boy support..maklumlah cousin 1st yg bertunang..=p
cantikkan my cousin's fiancee? bile turn saye pulak ye? =p
When it comes to caption, I’ll always be “terlebih posing”..hehehhe
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 11:30 PM 2 comments
Labels: I Love My Family
Friday, September 12, 2008
he pissed me off!
yeah i'm back. i'm back with bad feeling------
i was and am hurt. that's it. that's the correct word of what i feel now.
seriously, i don't understand why some people like to condemn others? is it how they satisfy their dissatisfaction? well, if that's the way they do, it means that they're TERRIBLE!!
i couldn't express how bad i feel when sum1 that i trust stab me from behind. i'm feeling bad-----tooo bad!!! so u talk bad behind my back, even if it is your fault! hey dude, i don't think that u r that GREAT for sarcastically menacing me that way!!!
u better check urself up before judging others, by telling the world that i'm bad and u r good.seriously, i'm mad.
i dun even care what r u doing as long as u dun interfere with my life and messin' with me around.
don't u ever dare to ask me for help anymore. i'm not interested in dealing with insincere people. so go on dude. talk bad bout me until u r tired. as long as i know that i do nothing wrong, i don't give a damn of what r u saying.
thank you for causing me to lose my temper on this holy ramadhan.
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 2:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: Emotional Expression
Saturday, September 6, 2008
my dear atuk--u are irreplacable...
Ramadhan comes again..the holy month that brings us closer to allah and the most blessed month to ask for His forgiveness for all of our sins or wrongdoing (either under our sub consciousness or not).Like the previous years, i am n will be fasting alone---far away from my blissful family. Since my college situated in d suburb area of Sg.Petani, i have to think twice before i can decide to return to my hometown. plus with the buses crisis and very-expensive-fare, maybe it is better for me to just stay in my hostel--fasting with m fellow friends. On the 1st day of puasa, i was quite sad because i couldn't gather with my big family at my lovely kampung--kg.semerbok, rembau. it is a norm for my big family(which consists of my parents,siblings, cousins,nephews,nieces,aunt and uncle) to gather at my late grandfather's kampung house..there, we will be fasting together and "bergotong-royong" to clean up the house as a raya preparation. loads of delicious delicacies will be served as meals of berbuke--rendang,gulai ayam kampung, ikan keli sambal,popia udang,ulam2,murtabak and not to forget-my kak long's mouth watering laksa. normally, we will cook all the special delicacies as a symbol of our gratitude in welcoming ramadhan.my late atuk's big house will be filled with noise from the kids' crying voice to the periuk belanga sound. my nephews n niece will busy playing at the lawn--either playing with the sand or juz riding bicycles while our mums will be busy preparing food for the berbuke session.if only my atuk still alive...suddenly---i miss my late grandfather~sobsob...he's the one who took care of me when i was about 3-6 years old since my parents was too busy with their career. i still remember how tender n loving he was--he never hit me over my naughtiness and never complain over my "mengade-ade" behavior. atuk would always bring me anywhere he went, bought me loads of toys, feed me with good food and etc. he prohibited anyone, including both my parents from canning me--in any way because he said that i was too young and naive to be treated that way. my atuk would bring me to supermarket every weekend with his green toyota to buy my ribena(i drank ribena when i was a kid bcos i was allergic to cow's milk). n then i will take the opportunity to buy my favourite koko-crunch and kfc---thanx to atuk for pampered me with all that. my atuk left me when i was 6, not too long after my parents took me back to stay with them--he left peacefully without any pain after the subuh prayer. may Allah put my atuk among those who are soleh~amin...after my late atuk passed away, my aunt, makngah lived at that house. so my family will return to that memorable place--the place where my dad n i've grown up every raya. thanx to atuk--since he build us a very spacious n comfortable house. i remember people often ask y did my atuk build such a large house--after all he lived alone(my grandma passed away ealier and the only alive children he had that moment was my makngah,my late achik n my dad). my atuk wud answer it with a smile by saying that "nanti cucu2 den sonang nk tido". how generous my atuk for thinking that way--thinking about his future cucu's comfort (my atuk only had the opportunity to see me,kaklong,kakyani,anyah n alang as his cucu). atuk even planted a "kundang tree" in front of our kampung house. he told my dad that he dedicated that tree to all his recent and future grandchildren. and now--all of his grandchildren loves to eat kundang fruit-even the whole village is crazy about our kundang tree since the fruit is the tastiest and sweetest of all kundang in the village...nyummy~owh i started to feel hungry because i missed my sahur today~ one thing for sure...i can't wait to go home--to the place where i belong...
my late atuk's kampung house..lovely isn't it? =p
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 7:04 PM 2 comments
Labels: I Love My Family
Friday, August 1, 2008
no air~~
*jiwang mode*
to my sweetheart~
i miss u sooooo much!! i can't wait to see u soon.i love to dedicate this song to u..metaphorically, this is how i feel when u r not around (uish, metaphor yg melampau~hehehehe =p )
Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air
If I should die before I wake
It's 'cause you took my breath away
Losing you is like living in a world with no air
I'm here alone, didn't wanna leave
My heart won't move, it's incomplete
Wish there was a way that I can make you understand
But how do you expect me
To live alone with just me
'Cause my world revolves around you
It's so hard for me to breathe
Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air
Can't live, can't breathe with no air
It's how I feel whenever you ain't there
It's no air, no air
Got me out here in the water so deep
Tell me how you gonna be without me
If you ain't here, I just can't breathe
It's no air, no air
No air, air (Ohhh)
No air, air (Nooo)
No air, air (Oh a)
No air, air
I walked, I ran, I jumped, I flew
Right off the ground to float to you
There's no gravity to hold me down for real
But somehow I'm still alive inside
You took my breath, but I survived
I don't know how, but I don't even care
So how do you expect me
To live alone with just me
'Cause my world revolves around you
It's so hard for me to breathe
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 7:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: FirdausThePrince
what do i think of early marriage?~
holla~ it is already late but still i cannot close my eyes. so i decided to post something again..at least my brain is working on something good rather than juz mimpi of being one of those fairy tales princess..hehehhee~ today, my friend, nas told me that one of my ex-schoolmate had already tied a knot with sum1. and my reaction was - "what? settle down at the age of 20? r u kidding me?"..so i went to check for the person's fs, n i was very surprised to see loads of the loving couple getting married pictures. as a friend, i am happy n i'm praying for the best to both of em. however, i couldn't stop myself from thinking~ think a lots of things. so as usual, my curious friends n i wud chit-chatting bout it, n we discussed about several things that we doubted. we are not busy body type of people, but we just want to discuss it as one issue- is early marriage relevant these days? so we all (tqa,apep n i) discussed blablabla. the conclusion of informal yet byk mengarut punye forum was simple : it would be relevant if u are willing to sacrifice your time and energy. honestly, i will not choose to get married at a young age because of the big responsibility and commitment that i must give to the marriage itself. furthermore, i am still studying, n i have no job yet, so it means that i'm not financially stable yet. like it or not, marriage requires stable financial and commitment, as marriage involves 2 person sharing life and love. when u get married, u'll be expecting babies, n it means more commitment n more cost. so i couldn't imagine myself being a wife, a mother and a student at the same time. if i had already get a job, maybe the situation is different,as i am able to hire a maid to take care of my kids. what my friends n i were thinking was, what it would be like when u settle down jobless~ i must say that it would be very tough n i would salute to those who is able to proceed successfully. i myself couldn't handle the stress when it is exam mode, plus with the hectic academic schedule. so ternyatelah early marriage is not suitable for me as i'm not ready to divide myself to two= marriage + study.. early marriage,it may sounds great as we are able to live with the people we love, but it is just not the right time yet. i hope that i don't have to experience being "mabuk2" with big n contented tummy to lecture hall to study..hehehhehe. so abang..just wait k dear.i'll be yours when it is the time~..=p let me feel how is it to be an "anak dara teacher", drive my own car and buy anything i want with my own salary... hehehhee~ ameen~
*to my friend huzai n wife : congrats~ semoge cepat2 dpt baby~weee~
*and oso to nasoha n tqah : kite sbr ye dulu sayang, xlarilah aiman n fadhli korang..=p
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 9:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: TheSweetSheryl
Thursday, July 31, 2008
shop shop n shop~
it had been quite long since i last posted the blog here. lately, i'd juz been a bit busy (eleh bukan busy blaja pon, busy g jalan2). last few days, i went to penang wif miss zie, may, n fuza. actually, i didn't really plan to go there becos ther's a lot of works to be done. i've been very lazy lately, i couldn't figure out why. (eyh cik sheryl, u boleh tlg wake up x from ur dreams?!) hehehehhe..that's what my heart said to me just now. back to the story, i went to penang just because i felt bored, n i WAS quite teruje as i never been there before with my girls. so i told myself, i won't buy anything except for a dress, a simple n plain dress (janji la kunun..hehehhee) to satisfy my "hungriness" to shop(this is my own term that is totally wrong and cannot be found in the dictionary..heee~). briefly, i went there by bus, the most convenient transport since i've no car, then took a ferry and took another bus til i finally reached perangin mall + komtar. thank god i managed to get a seat in the bus n ferry, as it is weekend, n there were crowd everywhere. everything seems so cheap there, n there i go again, i started to shop, shop n shop till i ran out of money. i just can't resist the cheap n gorgeous bags, shoes n clothes. wif d kwn2 yg suke sopping oso, i was totally lost n started to spend foolishly.the funny thing was, i even bought myself a "kain pengantin", which was pink+turquoise colour, as if i was going to get married tomorrow..wahwah..impian xtahan. actually, i've been searching that type of material since a few month ago to make my baju raye. but i considered it was too expensive when i went to survey the price for the material at my place. so when i found the really2 vivacious material at penang with irresistible price, i juz cannot leave without buying. thanx god too, becos of the time constraint, i was unable to proceed with my intention of buying some bling2 n ching2 as my friend, ms fuza had arrived to fetch my friends n i to her house for lunch. phew~so that's it. maybe another time, i should leave my atm card when i go shopping so that i can't withdraw my money for shopping lavishly purpose..sheryl, sheryl...bile la nk stop ur shopaholics ni?!
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 10:55 PM 2 comments
Labels: Shopaholic~
Thursday, July 24, 2008
explorace edition~
i can't believe that i AM a teacher now~ wee~huhu..the reason i felt that way was because i was given the opportunity to handle 100 students from sp secondary school today. the experience of handling 100 students was really exhilarating~ i didn't expect that i would feel this good! i was in charge of the explorace ipsah version. i was given the responsibility to handle the departure and arrival of each teams in the race. plus, i had to give each team a task before they can get the red ribbon which indicated that they had successfully done their task. my friend (ms anna) n i had planned to make "filling water using palm" game. in the game, each team is given 1 minute to fill a cup of water using their palm only. n after they had filled the cup with water, they were required to form a new word using 2 different words to convey a different meaning word. all the teams were succeed in doing all the tasks, n at the closing ceremony, my course mates and i got a very positive feedback from the students. well girls and guys..we love you all too!!
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 6:32 AM 2 comments
Labels: College Life
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
i went to gym today!!! weee~finally for the first time i went there since i started doing my degree here a few weeks ago.actually, i was quite reluctant to go to the gym today as i was very sleepy (i didn't get enough sleep last nite + hectic class schedule..euww~). however, i managed to force myself to wake up at 4.30 pm to get ready for the badminton practice. i mumbled something that i dun even understand( mamai sangat la tuh..hehhehe), then wash my blur face, put a bit of make-up to cover "kesan-kesan tido" (hehhehehe...cover line je), then put my scarf, then took my very "expensive" racket and went lazily to the gym. i arrived 10mins late n as a result, my coach started to nag (bcos all my coursemates oso dtg lambat jugak..weee~) then wif d spirit of new racket, i started to play badminton with ana, aida,fuza,ika n tyra. so tired but very enjoyable! at least it helps me to burn my excessive fat~weee~ since my bf had started to complain bout my "chubbiness", i hope i could reduce some weight by playing badminton =p ..n as usual, i would take pictures~ (eleh maen xterrer pon, action je lebeh~)
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 7:58 AM 2 comments
Labels: College Life
Monday, July 21, 2008
captions of orientation
i was involved in orientation for the newcomers today~ there were about 49 new students, and my coursemates and i had planned several activities for the ice-breaking session. the activities were absolutely enjoyable~ we did "poco-poco" dance, chicken dance (the chickens of ipsah tesolian were truly "hot" chickens..hahhahaha), singing odd songs and blablabla. as usual my friends and i would be busy taking pictures, not the pictures of the juniors, but we were busy taking picture of ourselves..hehehhe. maybe we are born to be in caption~huhu... i also found a nice n cute junior, who i finally decided to give all my notes and reference books for the foundation years (before this, i didn't know to who should i give all the books and notes, bcos most of my juniors are jual-mahal type~). i think it is better for me to give all the material to someone rather than to throw it to the dustbin or send it to recycle center. =p
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 3:28 AM 2 comments
Labels: College Life
Sunday, July 20, 2008
saye boring~
di saat diriku dilanda keboringan yang teramat sangat..so aku kejekanla digital camera ak..amek gamba suke2 ati..hehhehehe..
~these two teddy bears are my favourite teddies..thanx to my prince f~ (he gave me for my success on the final foundation exam...=p)
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 5:54 AM 2 comments
life is not a bed of roses~
i am totally exhausted today. it is not because of the class hectic schedule, it is because of the unpleasant manner of some friends in my class. i am not the kind of person who likes to confront or make war with other people, i'm a type of "jaga hati member". so i would easily feel offended if one of my friends harshly saying some improper words or making annoying jokes to me. what happened to me today was, one of my coursemate annoyingly giving an order to everybody to buy a very thick but not-so-important literature book. i didn't have a problem with that until he started to gather all of us and started to scold us harshly, telling us that we weren't good in managing our allowances. and the worst thing was, he scolded and gave his so-terrible-and-nonsense "preaches" in front of miss z. (miss z is one of my respected lecturers). it really pissed me off!! i still couldn't figure it why he should interfere with other's financial management and tell what to-do and not-to-do to other people. i think he better take care of his own business rather than taking care of what other people are doing. all of my coursemates including that boy are matured enough to think properly what's best for ourselves. actually, for information literature is only minor course in my degree, so i will be using that book for one semester only. in long term run, the book may be useful, but due to money constraint (the lit book is totally expensive), many of us decided to photostate it or just borrow the book from the library. maybe he doesn't realize that not every student is fortunate to have financial support from their respected family like he does. so when it comes to have an option of buying, borrowing or photostating, most students who totally lean on the small amount of allowance would prefer not to buy.( there are still loads of important books to buy). the second nonsense thing happened to me today was one of the boy coursemate violently making improper jokes towards my friends and me. i am not going to state it here, it is to disgusting to do so.i'm hoping that if any man read my blog, pls, do respect your coursemates. do not make jokes on others' dignity, especially towards the ladies. u don't know what is it mean for a "bermaruah lady" like me to receive such humiliating jokes. not all ladies like to be teased that way n i'm sure if u learn social studies, u'll find yourselves violating the ladies' right by making indirect verbal sexual harrassment. i really hope that won't happen to my friends and me again, it is too hard to swallow. n i completely aware that he is the one who kept on making verbal sexual harrasment towards the other ladies coursemate. i think he has some broken fuse or wire inside his brain~
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 2:56 AM 2 comments
Labels: Emotional Expression
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Your Birthdate: February 15 |
![]() You take life as it is, and you find happiness in a variety of things. You tend to be close to family and friends. But it's hard to get into your inner circle. Making the little things wonderful is important to you, and you probably have an inviting home. You seek harmony with others, but occasionally you have a very stubborn streak. Your strength: Your intense optimism Your weakness: You shy away from exploring your talents Your power color: Jade Your power symbol: Flower Your power month: June |
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 12:01 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Posted by s.h.e.r.y.l at 8:04 PM 1 comments
Labels: TheSweetSheryl